October 30th: 12 custom cardigans


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12 purple cardigans with old gold stripes

Purple on old gold Greek letters vertical down left side when wearing it

SP08 on the right sleeve in old gold

ΤΣ on the left sleeve in old gold with 3 red blood drops 4 inch purple on old gold line number on front right chest and individual line name embroidered in script underneath

Group line name embroidered in script on the back in old gold in two lines .

Line 1: 14 Ques In The Clip

Line 2: Ace In The Chamber

1) D-Long Dawg (Medium)
2) 2 Big 2 Nasty (3XL)
3) Sneaky Que (Large)
4) Quarter Pounder (3XL)
7) Suge Knight Que (4XL)
8) 8-Ball (2XL)
9) High Que-lesterol (4XL)
10) IQue (3XL)
11) Dawg Father (Large)
13) One-Thousand (XL)
14) EsQuelade (4XL)
15) Querious (2XL)